These are strategies I have used to keep my costs under control during the holidays. They are simple, but I found they have made shopping less stressful especially when I have not had a lot of money. The most important thing is to make mindful money decisions this Christmas.
Here are my top three ways to make mindful money decisions. You can use them whether you are shopping in person or online.
- Have an idea on what you are going to get people. Go window-shopping or look online to see what is available and where the best prices are. Resist the urge to buy right way. On your second trip make your purchase. This will help you know if you are getting a good price. If you only want to shop once than make a circle of the mall before you make your purchase.
- Pay with cash. I found this is the best way to stick to my budget. It is easier to tap your card, but this can lead to mindless spending. If you don’t want to use cash, you your debt card rather than your credit card.
- Plan. Before you set out decided how much you are going to spend in total and for each person. This can keep you from overspending mindlessly. If you have a budget, you can make an informed decision about how you are spending your money.
I still follow these ideas because they keep me from getting overwhelmed and overspend during the holidays. Remember it is not about being perfect, it is about learning to use your money with intension.
Have a joyous holiday season.
If you have a question, send me a message.