How to read your credit card statement webinar, coming soon!

How do credit cards work? Most importantly how is interest calculated and what fees are you paying. If you are interested in finding out, I’m finishing a 4 parts series, each video will be 10 minutes. 
Topics will include:
What is credit?
What information is on your credit card statement?
How is interested in calculated?
What fees you are you paying?
If you are interested in finding out more about this series email me at

Simple Money Talk’s Second Birthday

June 2017 is Simple Money Talk’s second birthday! It is hard to believe it has been to 2 years since I launched Simple Money Talk in Doha. It has been a very interesting adventure setting up a business, website, and blog. I have loved meeting new people and helping clients. Thankfully I still enjoy talking about money.

I have refined what Simple Money Talk but at its core is it is still about help women learn about money management so they are able to make confident money decisions.

Thank you all for your support.
