I hope 2022 brings you sparkles.
The beginning of the year and end of the holiday season it is a good time to reflect on your goals and financial plan. It is a good time to think if your goals or situation changed? Does it need to change? Financial plan should be helping you meet your needs and achieve your goals.
I have two goals for Simple Money Talk is to help you improve your money confidence. The first is to return to publishing a monthly blog with information to help you. The second is to develop and launch two online courses on the language of money and the basics of investing. I am looking forward to working on Simple Money Talk and being able to reach more women.
I enjoy talking about money and helping women improve their financial knowledge and confidence. I have worked with great clients who have helped me learn more about what information women are looking for. Most were looking for clear, simple and useful financial information to help them reach their goals. As well as to be spoken with in a friendly and professional manner. I am happy I have been able to meet their expectations and helped them.
Wishing you a peaceful year you will opportunities to move closer to your goals.